
Bitcoiner is Bitcoin's most important pusher, from 0 to 2 trillion

This a little "mystery" of the small story, most people will sound like from the beginning to understand, touch, think that this is the typical "empty gloves white wolf."

What scares people even more, however, is that the mysterious group, suspected of being a "bad marketing story", has pushed the project from 0 to a market value of $2 trillion.

Yes, that's bitcoin in many people's eyes. So the question is, how does the decentralized, no one can control Bitcoin grow to $2 trillion in market value?

What does this organization do again?
01 From the most primitive consensus
Friends who have seen the water animal show know that, for example, when the sea lion performs, the trainer takes the small fish from a small bucket they carry to feed the sea lion as a reward for the sea lion. If the small fish in the bucket is Token, the animals are rewarded by co-ordinating a "work proof" show. However, some violent animals in the circus, in addition to food Token, may also be brutally whipped by trainers, with violence, with absolute violence to obtain the animal's obedience. As a result, the circus animals gradually developed a "consensus": to cooperate with each other, the completion of the show there is food, not beaten. Looking back at human history, a simple summary is a constant battle between groups of people (competition for land). The victor usually has an absolutely powerful army, that is, the use of force, through the use of force to control a piece of territory (territory), force continues to protect the territory from foreign aggression, the people in the territory live and work, normal trade. Then, by issuing their own currency, the people in the system were given a relatively fair share of resource incentives through the distribution of labour. Through incentives to encourage people to work hard, produce, create, contribute to this common home.



Progressive Web App

I. Web App  The concept that corresponds to the Web App is the-Native App local application. In the age of movement, users spend 87% of their time Native Apps and only 13% of the time using Web Apps. However, the S a big BUT-87% of the time, 80% contributed to the first three Apps, that is, if your Native App is not the user's high frequency of use of the first three words, then basically developed no one to use. So in this case, it's better to make a web app that lets users use it occasionally from time to time. So there is the concept of PWA. II. Progressive web App The role of PWA is to enhance the user experience and meet one-off requirements), the core of which is to make a Web App deliver the same reliable, stable, secure, and interactive user experience as the Native App. Handwriting a logical tree:) What's interesting here is the caching strategy. Includes, but is not limited to (slightly advanced, maybe programmers can understand): Cache, Falling back to net